Why choose a bed and breakfast in Michigan? We can’t speak for any other inn, but at The Grand Victorian Bed & Breakfast Inn your comfort is our priority. We offer all of the conveniences that you would find at a hotel, along with the personal assistance of our innkeepers. When traveling to a new area, you may miss out on some of the “hidden gems” of the area. By staying at our Bellaire B&B, you benefit from the knowledge and experience of our innkeepers, so that you can make the most of your trip to Northern Michigan.
One way to do exactly that is by staying in the Balcony Room. Imagine a romantic, relaxing getaway sitting on your own private balcony overlooking beautiful Richardi Park, sipping an ice-cold beverage. The Balcony Room is beautifully decorated with an 1860’s Victorian revival bedroom set consisting of a queen bed and matching dresser. This room also features a beautiful fireplace as well as a private bathroom with shower.